Online Plan Review and Permit Application Instructions

Step 1. Plan Review and Permit Application Submittal
Building permits are required for structural alterations, internal and external improvements, general repairs, new construction, and for demolition. Beverly Hills Municipal Code 9-1-107 outlines when a permit is required. Click the link below to access the City's Online Plan Review and Permit Application. Click here for more information.

Step 2. Staff Review
City Staff will review your application, and will be in touch with you if additional information is required. Please allow at least two (2) "three (3) business days for staff to review your application. After finalizing and submitting your request, you will be assigned a reference number. A notification email will also be sent to you with instructions. Please include the reference number if you need to ask questions or provide clarification regarding your application. Permit staff can be reached via email at CDPermits@beverlyhills.org.

Step 3. Payment

You will receive a CitySmart notification email after staff processes your application. The email will provide information, a breakdown of plan review and/or permit fees, and a link to the online payment portal. Many projects are eligible for over-the-counter plan review, while others require electronic plan review submittal. Plan Review & Permit timelines are available on the City's website. Click here for more information.

Step 4. How to Submit Revision
How Do I Submit Revisions to Previously-Approved Plans

  1. First, contact your plan review team to determine if the work is eligible for a revision. Once confirmed, please complete the Plan Review and Permit Application (PDF) and email it to cdpermits@beverlyhills.org On the application, please state: "REVISION TO APPROVED PERMIT # BS2"... (Provide a detailed description stating what the revision is for)
  2. Permit Center staff will process the application and add additional (hourly) plan review fees. After fees are paid, the City will re-open the project in Project Dox (City's electronic plan check system)
  3. After receiving confirmation from the City, the applicant must upload the revised plans via Project Dox for review. When uploading plans, use the same file naming convention as the original uploaded plans. A narrative outlining the proposed revisions must also be uploaded to Project Dox.